A thought is simply a sequence of neuronal activities acting on pathways that have already been formed, right?
No. New thoughts and new ways of thinking can change the distrabution of the dendrites. This is why the brain of a physicst is more complex than the brain of a child. The more you learn the more complex you brain becomes. New ideas form new circut pathways.
People are more complex than just their brains, but the brain is where thoughts occur.
That was the exact point that I made. Because, by your reasoning, an all powerful God would be more complex than the initial state of the universe. Postulating the existance of a God only makes the problem of complexity WORSE. Not better.
If the universe is too complex to have come from nothing than a God, which would be even more complex, would definitely not be able to come from nothing. Adding a God to the mix puts the orgins of the universe into a cycle of infinte regression - the existance of the universe must be explained by a more complex being - and that even more complex being must be explained by an even-even more complex being - and that even-even more complex being must be explained by an even-even-even more complext being - . . .